..to see next year, it would be this one

For six days in March, the American Folk Art Museum will dramatically transform the Park Avenue Armory’s historic 55,000-square-foot Wade Thompson Drill Hall with the installation of more than 650 red and white American quilts, all of which are on loan from one private New York City collection. It will be the largest exhibition of quilts ever held in the city. As an extraordinary gift to the public, entry to this unprecedented event is free. A café and a book and gift shop will be open during show hours.

650 Red and White quilts! Hanging artistically from the rafters! Doesn't that sound amazing! A true once in a lifetime experience. I salute the person who came up with the idea! And 3 cheers for the American Folk Art Museum for organising it all!

Now I just have to find a Bobble Horn Fantasy Fox to grant me a wish so I can go.
