Give Away Day
It's Giveaway day!!
Organised by Sew Mama Sew,
This is huge!! Hundereds of bloggers and shops all giving away something either handmade or that you can use to make something crafty.

My giveaway is a combination of both- something handmade that You can have the fun of making something with.
I'm offering this set of 16 fun, colourful, scrappyluscious blocks.
They're 12 inches square so big enough to be versatile.
You might like to sew them together like this quilt or maybe put sashing in between the blocks, natural linen would look great or some crazy stripes. Put them on point and feature a bold print or a solid in between.
You could use them for cushions, a skirt or even a big colourful bag.
Or how some little peekaboo curtains.
I've had fun doing my bit - the next exciting step is up to you.
So what do you think ? Would you like to play with these colourful crazy blocks?
If so all you have to do is..
Leave me a comment saying what you would do with them.
If you're a lovely follower or become a follower you may leave another comment.
If you tweet, blog, bleep or tell a stranger in the street about this giveaway you can leave yet another comment
If you have broccoli or pumpkin with dinner you can leave another comment
If you like the blocks but don't want to win them because you have so many projects on the go already and you really don't need another one, you can still leave a friendly comment but say you're happy for them to go to someone else, or something like that.
Entries close on Friday 17th Dec and I'll post them out on the 20th Dec.
And yessiree I'll ship internationally!
okay I think that's it.. so leave a comment or two. If you're a new visitor to my blog, thanks for visiting and feel free to have a wander around and read a few posts!!
Then head over to Sew Mama Sew for more fun Giveaway locations.
Good Luck and Happy Giveaway Day!!
Comments are now closed for this giveaway. The biggest THANK YOU to all the amazing, enthusiastic, lovely, sweet, funny comments everyone left. I'm sorry I couldn't reply to most of them due to a very busy week, but I hope to get around to visiting blogs over the next few weeks. Thanks again!!