Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year!!
2015!! I really like the way those numbers sound - "twenty fifteen". Don't you just love the beginning of a brand new shiny year, full of possibilities, plans and dreams. Let's celebrate Blue Mountain Daisy style with a fun New Year flower arrangement.
There are a few things make me link agapanthus flowers to the New Year. The obvious being that here in Australia at the height of summer they are blooming everywhere!! Those showy flowers that come in blue and white are a feature in every second garden in my neighbourhood.
The second reason is their racemes of pretty star shaped florets look the explosive sparks of fireworks.
And if you stretch your imagination a little more they could be the effervescence from the bubbles of champagne.
... and then I added some leafy bunting to hang in between the elegant stems.

For the bunting leaves I used Sineraria Dusty Miller and then simply wrote on the backs of the leaves with markers.
The champagne bottles are from our Christmas and New Years celebrations, it only seems right they get to play a role in this flower party.
So that's my 2015 New Year arrangement. The part I couldn't capture in a photo is that occasionally a breeze blows through the leafy bunting and makes the words dance. I like to think the breeze is picking up the message and carrying it to other places. So if you feel a breeze in the next day or so, know that it is...
...wishing everyone all the very best for a wonderful and Happy 2015.
Ps The giveaway winner from the previous post is Audrey of Quilty Folk. Thank you to everyone who helped spread smiles with your wonderful comments.