A Weekend Away..
A few weekends ago Gbf and I packed our bags and hit the road for a weekend away.

Destination Orange, NSW. A town about 2 hours drive from where we live. It's a region known for its cool climate wines...

And we do enjoy a good wine!

We hit the jackpot when we pulled up at DeSalis. We were greeted by some gorgeous dogs who ushered us into this awesome tasting room.. I love those groovy retro couches...

amazing french theatre panels...

and a view you could enjoy all day... I'm glad to report the wines were exceptional! We bought some of everything and will no doubt be ordering more.

We then took off through the countryside to the lofty heights Mt Conobolas ( try saying that after a few wines, lol ). The view was so immense I couldn't capture it in a photo so here's a photo of Gbf eating an apple we bought from an orchard on the way. What do you think of his cool mirror sunglasses?
Fast forward to dinner.. A quick trip out of town at sunset brought us to Racine , the restaurant of Shaun Arantz who has recently won an award for Australia's Best Regional Chef.

I loved the outdoor area, it's so bubbly!! I didn't get any photos of the inside or the food because from the moment we were seated we were having such a great time I didn't even think of taking photos... The food and matching wines were superb, I'm drooling just remembering.. The service excellent, even for a very busy night. We loved our evening.

Sunday arrived and we were back in the car to head home... home sweet home... We had a great mini holiday and will do it again , maybe even sooner than 2 years...
Here's some random photos of bits and pieces...There's some fabric in the last photo!

Here's the fabric photo... a fat quarter pack of Summerville by Lucie Summers. I've been waiting for the release of this range, it's so sweet, fun and different. I've got a few ideas of what I'd like to with it but I'm going to be strong and finish some other projects first. It's just comforting to know I have it waiting...