How's this for coincidence. Today is the eleventh day of the first month
In other words, well, numbers that's 1-11
and I've just noticed that I have 111 followers!!! Wow!!!
I think that's pretty special and worth celebrating...
Bloggy syle with a giveaway!!!
One lucky winner will win 111 charm squares cut from my stash.
Of course I'm happy to post internationally!!!
I've been thinking about sewing machines recently so for a chance in the giveaway leave me a comment telling me something about your sewing machine. Do you love it or wish for another? Have you given it a pet name? Do you have more than one? Any little tantalising tidbit will do.
You get a second chance if you leave another comment saying you're a wonderful follower.
I'll pick a winner in eleven days, I figure running a giveaway for 111 days would be stretching it just a bit too much. :)
By now you must be wondering about the photos. I came across this fence that had been decorated in Redfern, Sydney. I couldn't find any information but my guess is that it was a community art project of some sort. It was done in sections showing different artists work, each so different but all so interesting and wonderful.
I love it when you stumble across a treasure like this!!! I've called it Inspiration Fence. A flock of plastic cutlery birds, recycled fence skaters, just amazing and all the more wonderful for being in an outdoor setting. I love that part of the challenge for the creators would have been to use things that could withstand rain, hail and shine.
A big Happy 1-11-11 to everyone. And a Super Special Big Thank You to my 111 followers!!!