Betty and the Sherbet Pips
My fancy Pfaff sewing machine is off having it's yearly checkup so I've dusted off Betty Bernina to keep me company in the sewing room. I must admit it's been a while since I've used her so it's lucky I have the instruction book, I've needed to refer to it a few times. She sews like a dream, straight, steady and has a very even temprement.
So what have Betty and I been getting up to? Hmm well umm, I'm afraid to say, Not the hundred half finished projects I should be working on!! Yeah , I know...But really, How could I resist playing with these sweet fabrics???
Sherbet Pips by Aneela Hoey for Moda. It's not actually being released until April but a few precuts somehow made it to some shops and I was lucky enough to get a layer cake and a charm pack. My favourite print in all the colourways are the people scooting. They really grabbed my attention because GBF is a scooter guy!! He zips around everywhere on his scooter just like these fabric people.
In addition to Sherbert Pips, I added some fabrics from my stash... Some I've had for so long I don't know who the designers are.
Some Sis Boom stripes...
And this is what I've done so far... Stars and Squares. I'm keeping it simple, making the most of the precuts and letting the fabrics do the talking.
I'll make a few more random stars then I think that's it. I'll sleep on it and see what I think tomorrow.