4 Parcels On My Doorstep
You know it's a great day when you come home and find 4 parcels the doorstep.
The first parcel contained this selection of Tula Pink's Parisville purchased from Quilthome. They always handwrite a little note on the invoice that adds a personal touch. The fabrics are beautiful to touch, such clever patterns and great colours. The only thing I'm disappointed about is that I only got half yard cuts of the feature print, Cameo. It's limited my options for fussy cutting, eg on the blue colourway all the "Lady with the Ship Hair" has been cut in half. Oh well, I'll just have to work with it.
The next parcel was from Samelia's Mum, a prize I'd won in a giveaway on her blog. A pattern for a bag and 3 fat quarters. That bag would look great in Parisville! She sent a lovely Christmas Card too. Thank you Anorina, for this wonderful gift.
Parcel 3 was from Sew Mama Sew's Handmade Christmas Giveaway. Handmade Living by Lotta Jansdotter. I have to admit I'd never heard of Lotta but OMG I LOVE this book!!! Out of all the books SMS were giving away this one is perfect for me!! It's so full of inspiration!! And that's only from a quick look, I then wrapped it and put it under the Christmas tree for me.
Last but definitely not least , a present that I don't have to put under the tree because it's a belated birthday present. This one is from my brother Adam who is a jazz muscician and was recently performing in a festival in Prague. He said he'd found a present and gave me this clue -
I had another surprise this week. I was given an award for my blog! Such an honour, But it deserves a post of it own so I'll save it till next time...

It's the perfect synthesis of old and new Europe- And he was right!! - a set of Matryoshka Dolls of ABBA!!! Too funny!!! This is an absolute treasure!! I love it!!! He even wrote the teeniest, tiniest birthday message to go in the smallest doll. Thank You Adam!!!