Wedding Ring Quilt Sighting and a New Project.
I yelped with glee this morning when I opened my inbox and found this photo from Barbara in Virginia. It was taken at the Sewing and Quilting Expo in Fredericksburg,VA, where she found my Double Denim Wedding Ring quilt hanging in the show.
Hello Barbara , I'm waving back at you!! Thank you so much for sending me a photo!!
I've added the tour dates as a page just under my header so if you need to check if the Double Wedding Ring Quilt Exhibit is coming to a town near you the information will be there. The next show is this weekend in Overland Park, KS.
Very Exciting News Flash!! I'm getting a new sewing room!! This sad looking garage area is soon going to have lovely crisp white walls that I'll cover in design walls and cupboards. The floor will be white tiles, easy to sweep and nasty pins won't be able hide in the carpet. Best of all I will have more space so I won't have to put my ironing board in the hallway when I'm trying to sew. My fingers are crossed that I'll be in my new studio sewing up a storm by Christmas.
And because that was such an unattractive photo I'll show you some lovely native flowers that are brightening up the garden at the moment.
I love Flannel Flowers!! They look soft but they are tough survivors that grow in hot dry areas. As their name implies they really do look and feel just like flannel!
Pretty furry, flannelly leaves too.
The spring sun has really brought the Kangaroo Paw flowers into bloom.
Oh and I might have started a new project. I was very tempted when I saw Mel from House on the Side of The Hill blog was making Judy Newman's Dilly Bag with pretty hexagons. It was when Mel mentioned that the bag only needs 36 hexagons and a few half hexagons that I was convinced. It doesn't take very long to whip up a few hexagons after all.
So I raided my scraps and started cutting, and then I pulled a more fabrics out of my cupboards and when I came out of my cutting frenzy I realised I have a lot more than 36 hexies prepared.
I have enough for at least 2 bags, LOL. Oh well, you can't have enough of a good thing.