After reading Sujata's mention of Jaisalmer on her blog I was inspired to share one of my favourite possessions. A Rajastani mirrorwork bedspread that I bought in Jaisalmer in India about 12 years ago.

My mother had a yellow mirrorwork shoulder bag that fascinated me when I was a little Rachaeldaisy in the 70's so when I was travelling through India I was on the lookout for something similar. I ended up with a bedspread of 80 x 90 inches. With all the mirrors, dense embroidery and thick backing fabric it was very heavy to carry on my journey but it was worth it.

Fast forward to the future and a time of living in an apartment with no room to be hung, it had to be packed away. In the meantime I became a quilter so when I got it out again in our home I saw it afresh with quilters eyes.

All that patchwork of fabulous shapes hand stitching, crazy shapes, fabulous colours, ideas for applique.

 It comprises of lots of  pieces all stitched together onto a backing with this thin rope stitched over the edges.

Nice big chunky stitching on the back.

The pieces are from old textiles. Some bits are worn away, some mirrors are missing and in some places the dye has run, but that just adds to its character.

It certainly brightens up the room where it now hangs and reminds me of the beautiful place it is from.