Hello!! It's me!! I'm back from my Blogaholiday!!
No, I haven't turned into a chicken!
So, what have I been up to? well, besides working, I've been cleaning cupboards, watching Downton Abbey, going for fun outings, we've had a family visit and I've managed to get a bit of sewing done...
No doubt you'll remember I was raving about
Sis Boom's Crazy Love range, well as soon as I received my bundle from Hawthorn Threads I started cutting into it.

In my spring cleaning I'd come across a 60 degree triangle ruler that I've never ever used, I've only had it for 4 years!!! These fabulous fabrics with their big exotic prints arrived the day after I rediscovered my ruler so I took it as a sign that it was meant to be. I used the triangle as a template which created 8 inch finished triangles. The 8 inch scale worked really well with the patterns, big enough to frame the designs.

There's some other Sis Boom fabrics thrown in the mix. They all just work together in a big bright happy cocktail of fabric fun.

You could have SO much fun fussy cutting Crazy Love!!

I did where I could but I was limited by some of the smaller cuts I'd ordered. Some of the not-perfect-fussy-cut pieces make you take a second look which I don't mind. It's good to be a bit unpredictable sometimes.

This range is so exotic. I feel as though they have been sourced from faraway, almost mythical lands. The colours are so rich and luminous.

Sewing triangles has been fun. I enjoyed the repetition of one shape. I listenied to music and happily cut out shapes and had fun merrily placing them on my design wall. Once it was all planned out it suddenly dawned on me - I was staring at a
lot of bias edges... and... pointy points. Yikes!!

I tackled it slow and steady. I was careful with my pressing (usually I iron like a steam roller!) and was careful not to pull on the rows. As for the points, a few may be a bit blunt but overall they're not too bad.

Since the outdoor photos I added 3 more rows. It's now 80 x 88 inches and a great bed size!

So how does the chicken fit in? You can imagine my smile when the Easter Bunny brought me this chicken in
Crazy Love colours!!! - That is one groovy Easter Chicken!!

I continued my annual tradition of getting up before dawn to make hot cross buns. They take ages! By the time I measure the ingredients, mix, knead for 10 minutes, let the dough rise for 1.5 hours, knead again, let the buns rise for another hour, cook, drizzle with sugar syrup. It was way past breakfast, more like lunch time before we were able to eat them. Extra fruity and extra cinnamon and made with wholemeal flour. They look a little lumpy and splodgy but they were delicious!!

Gosh, I'm chatty after such a long time away!! The holiday certainly blew away a few cobwebs but I'm happy to be back, and I can't wait to catch up on what everyone has been up to!!
Happy Easter / holiday fun to everyone!!