Red, Blue and a touch of Yellow
It was such a lovely autumn day yesterday. Sun shining, slight breeze. Perfect for washing fabric.

I love this colour combo! Superman colours! They almost cause an optical illusion. I liked how the bucket matched, and I couldn't resist using matching pegs...well.. I was having fun playing with colour.
I wasn't the only one attracted to the washing line action. I'd barely hung them out when GBF raced out of the house with his new camera in hand snapping away. He was like the fabric paparazzi!
I'm not sure what I'll make with these yet but I like to get them ready for when I get a case of the blues and reds.
We left the washing in the hands of the sun and went for a wander along the bushy paths around our home. I could smell it before I saw it. Delicious and heady, no wonder it makes people sneeze! Wattle!! It's so early in the season that it was such a surprise. So I picked a sprig for me to enjoy.